
Municipal Portion of Taxes

The Municipal portion of your taxes is used to pay for the day to day running of the RM of Martin.  Municipal taxes not only pay for road maintenance but for services such as police ($13,435.89 in 2019), fire, parks and recreation, planning, municipal administration and council costs.  

Education Portion of Taxes

The RM of Martin #122 is responsible for collection of Education Property Taxes for both the Southeast Cornerstone School Division and the Prairie Valley School Division from our ratepayers on behalf of the Provincial Government.  The Boards of Education for both school divisions rely on the education portion of the property taxes to support education. 

​The RM of Martin does not keep any portion of the education taxes and we are responsible for forwarding the education portion to the government each month.  The Municipality is required, by legislation, to collect the school taxes but the Municipality has no say over the setting of the tax rate - this is set by the Province of Saskatchewan.  Since January 2013 the Provincial Government does not allow for any discount on the school portion of your property taxes.

Tax Information

  • You cannot appeal your tax notice or your tax rate, you can only appeal your assessment when the assessment roll is open (generally March/April).
  • Your property tax bill covers the period of January 1 to December 31.  Tax Notices are generally mailed mid July.  If you do not receive your tax notice by July 31st please contact the RM Office at 306-435-4951.
  • Property taxes are due December 31st but may be paid at any time during the year (prepaid).
  • The RM of Martin offers all taxpayers a discount (on current taxes) of 3% during the months of January to August .
  • The RM of Martin accepts CASH, CHEQUE, DEBIT, MASTERCARD, VISA, or  On-Line Payments through Royal Bank or Conexus
  • If you are mailing your payment please mail 4-5 days before the due date to receive the discount.
  • A 1% penalty is added per month to any unpaid balance after December 31st.

Click on the following buttons for more information.

How is Tax Calculated and Farm Residences?    
